#p ejaculation /Premature ejaculation By far, the commonest form of sexual problem. {Ejaculation} occurs almost immediately upon entering the {vagina}, or even before. For most men, it is not a lasting problem & occurs in times of {stress}, the excitement & {anxiety} of a new partner, & with sexually inexperienced men. Habitual 'quick' sex can also cause {premature ejaculation}. It's not uncommon to experience {premature ejaculation} occasionally, but becomes a problem if it persists & your partner becomes frustrated by curtailment of sexual intercourse. {Anxiety} tends to make the problem worse. However, premature ejaculation can usually be overcome. All young men have difficulty controlling {orgasm} during initial sexual experiences. It normally becomes more controllable with time & experience. A 2nd orgasm is much delayed, so try intercourse again 15-30mins after your 1st orgasm. Alternatively, shortly before intercourse, you may wish to {masturbate} to orgasm. Not only will this delay your next {orgasm}, but also reduce sexual {anxiety}. Using a {condom}, may dull the sensitivity of the {penis} & so delay {ejaculation} (it also provides excellent contraception & good protection against sexually transmitted diseases & {AIDS}). Discuss the problem with your partner & experiment with the 'Squeeze Technique:' #squeeze technique THE SQUEEZE TECHNIQUE: A commonly used method to help a man control {orgasm}. It teaches both partners to recognize the sensations immediately preceding {ejaculation}: $2 $1 both adopt a comfortable position the woman caresses the {penis} until full {erection} continues caressing until the man is close to orgasm just prior to {ejaculation}, man signals the woman, who then stops stimulating & grips the glans of the {penis} until {erection} subsides after about 1-2mins, your partner can start again repeat process 2-3 times, before allowing ejaculation $1 With practice, the woman will soon sense when the man is close to {orgasm}. After a few sessions, when both have gained confidence about controlling {ejaculation}, it is possible to move onto the next stage: $1 man lies on his back, partner astride & erect {penis} in {vagina} hold position, without moving, as long as possible if the man is ready to {ejaculate}, the woman lifts herself away & applies the squeeze grip as before repeat this 2-3 times $1 After a few sessions, when control has improved, normal full intercourse can be attempted, with both partners reaching {orgasm}. You may find that sexual positions with the female partner on top, are easier. If at any time the man feels ready to {ejaculate}, before his partner is ready, she can use the 'squeeze technique.'